3516.11 - Hazardous Materials Communication

Policy 3516.11
Business/Non Instructional Operations
Hazardous Materials Communication
The Board of Education recognizes the necessity of utilizing hazardous materials in the day-to-day operation of school facilities and in supporting education requirements. The Board realizes that with the use of hazardous materials, responsibility must be taken to ensure personal safety and to protect the environment during use, storage and transportation. There are many areas of the District, from science laboratories and art departments to custodial services and vehicle maintenance, where such a variety of uses is performed.
Hazardous materials include any substance or mixture of substances that poses a fire, explosive, reactive or health hazard. Examples of materials classed as hazardous are: common household cleaning supplies, spray oven cleaners, cleaning solvents, photo chemicals, soldering flux, some ceramic glazes, oils and gasoline.
The Board, through the Superintendent, shall cause to be created, procedures which address the purchase, storage, handling, transportation and disposal of hazardous materials for school facilities and operations including instructional areas.
The goal of the procedures shall be to have in place an ongoing process by which each location in the District will have a program of identifying and managing hazardous materials. The Hazard Communication Program materials will be located in the school office. District personnel shall be encouraged to substitute non-hazardous materials for hazardous substances to the extend possible and to minimize the quantities of hazardous substances stored on school property.
Policy adopted: April 4, 2017
NEWTOWN PUBLIC SCHOOLS, Newtown, Connecticut