9326 - Taping/Recording Board Meetings

Policy 9326
Bylaws of the Board
Taping/Recording Board Meetings
1. Board of Education public meetings may be recorded electronically. To protect privacy and to make the public aware, the presiding officer will announce whether the Board meeting will be recorded. Additionally, the presiding officer will ask if anyone present will be recording the meeting.
2. The recordings are not to be considered part of the minutes.
Recording Devices
1. Broadcasting and recordings of meetings are permitted and electronic and photographic audio and video devices may be used at meetings of the Board of Education according to the following guidelines:
2. Persons operating recording devices are asked not to
a. Obstruct the view between members of the audience and the Board of Education,
b. Disrupt the proceedings by holding interviews,
c. Provide commentary in a manner that distracts Board members.
b. Disrupt the proceedings by holding interviews,
c. Provide commentary in a manner that distracts Board members.
Adopted: 6/5/12
9326 - Taping/Recording Board Meetings