3543.13 - Mail and Delivery

Policy 3543.13
Business/Non-Instructional Operations
Mail and Delivery
A mail service system shall be maintained within the school system in order that communications from inside and outside sources may be delivered to the intended recipient in the most practicable way.
The use of District mail facilities and personnel shall be restricted mainly to the distribution of materials and communications that further the educational purposes of the District. The Superintendent may, by regulation, authorize certain exceptions without defeating the intent of this policy.
The Board of Education directs the Superintendent to establish procedures for the safe handling of all mail received by the District.
Political materials shall not be distributed through the school system mailboxes or school mail system unless received through the United States mail.
(cf. 1140 – Distribution of Materials by Students (Use of Students)
(cf. 1311.1 – Political Activities of School Employees)
(cf. 1311.2 – Political Activities in the Schools/On School Property
Policy adopted: April 4, 2017
NEWTOWN PUBLIC SCHOOLS, Newtown, Connecticut