8-203 - School Improvement Plan

Policy 8-203
The Board of Education's philosophy of education requires that each student be provided with a program of educational experiences to develop his or her potential to its fullest, consistent with the broad range of skills, knowledge, and attitudes reflected in the educational goals. The Board recognizes that to accomplish this each school must effectively focus staff, time, and material resources to foster student learning appropriate to the varied educational needs of the school's student population. Continuous and systematic improvements, which focus on in-school factors that comprise an effective school, must take place on the school level to maximize student learning and progress.
A system wide school improvement plan shall be developed, implemented, coordinated, and evaluated by the superintendent or designee. This plan shall be integrated into the overall long-and short-range planning process of the school system.
To ensure that all students receive the best educational experience possible, each school shall develop and maintain a continuous and systematic improvement program focusing on student outcomes. The school improvement plan shall take place under the leadership of a school improvement team, with the school principal as an integral member of the group.
Adopted 3/12/96