9020 - Public Statements

Policy 9020
Bylaws of the Board
Public Statements
The Newtown Board of Education recognizes that communication is a continuous two-way process. The Board believes that it is important to keep the public informed about educational programs. Communication will be a concurrent responsibility of the Board of Education and the Superintendent of Schools.
The Board shall utilize methods to provide releases to the press and brief summaries of Board meeting actions to interested members of the public. These methods will include, but not limited to, the Newtown Public Schools website and an electronic distribution system that the public may opt into to receive such information directly. Press releases relative to Board of Education action shall be released only by the Board Chairperson or the delegated agent of the board.
The Superintendent shall maintain a communication program to keep the public informed of the school district’s progress in accomplishing its goals and priorities, including programs established to achieve them, which shall include but not be limited to, public meetings, publications in local newspapers, school newsletters, PTA meeting and other digital methods.
(cf. 1112.2 – School News Releases)
(cf. 1120 – Board of Education Meetings)
Revised: 9/17/19