Board Of Education Policies
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0000 - Missions - Goals - Objectives
0000 - Mission of the Newtown Public Schools
0200 - Goals Objectives
0521 - Equal Opportunity plan Nondiscrimination
0523 - Equity and Diversity
Resolution - Diversity & Equity
0600 - Monitoring and Reporting State
1000 - Community Relations
1000 - Concept Goals and Roles in Community Relations
1100 - Communication Protocol for Parents - Dispute Resolution
1100.1 - Communications with the Public
1110 - Media of Communication - Distribution of Printed Materials
1110.1 - Parent Involvement
1112 - Public Information
1112.6 - Photographs Broadcasting or Videotaping Special School Activities
1115 - Requests for Information About the Schools
1120 - Public Participation at Board of Education Meetings
1140 - Requests to Distribute Materials
1180 - Memorials for Deceased Students or Staff
1210 - School-Community Associates
1212 - School Volunteers
1220 - Citizens Advisory Committees
1230 - Other School-Connected Organizations
1240 - Citizen Assistance to School Personnel
1250 - Visits to the Schools
1251 - Loitering
1300 - Public Activities Involving Staff Students or School Facilities
1300.1 - Community Engagement
1311.1 - Political Activities of School Employees
1311.2 - Political Activities in the Schools
1312 - Public Complaints
1313 - Gifts from Suppliers and or Contractors
1314 - Fund-Raising and Solicitation
1321 - Public Performances by Students
1321.1 - Public Performance by School Musical Organizations
1322 - Contests for Students
1325 - Advertising and Promotion
1326 - Solicitations by Staff Members
1331 - Smoke Free Environment - Use of Tobacco Products
1350 - Senior Citizens Benefits
1360 - Awards and Scholarships
1411 - Relations with Law Enforcement Agencies
1430 - State Federal Government
1700 - Otherwise Lawful Possession of Firearms on School Property
2000 - Administration
Newtown Administration Appendix Reference
2000 - Concept and Roles in Administration
2000.1 - Board-Superintendent Relations
2001 - Participatory Management
2100 - Administrative and Supervisory Personnel
2111 - Equal Employment Opportunity
2112 - Professional Development
2120 - Organizational Responsibilities
2122 - Transfer of Administrators
2130 - Job Descriptions
2131 - Superintendent of Schools
2131.1 - Appointment of Designee for Superintendent of Schools
2132 - Assistant Superintendent of Schools
2133 - Principals
2134 - Director of Business and Finance
2135 - Director of Pupil-Personnel Services
2137 - Athletic Director
2141 - Recruitment and Appointment of Superintendent
2151 - Hiring School Administrators
2152 - Assignment of Administrative Personnel
2153 - Orientation of Administrative Personnel
2154 - Supervision of Administrative Personnel
2210 - Administrative Leeway in Absence of Board of Education Policy
2220 - Administrative Councils and Committees
2224 - Consultants
2230 - Shared Services
2231 - Dissemination of Policies
2232.1 - Annual Report - Superintendent
2234 - Treatment of Outside Reports
2240 - Educational Research in District Schools
2250 - Monitoring of Product and Process Goals
2300 - Statement of Ethics for Administrators
2400 - Evaluation of the Superintendent
3000 - Business/Non-Instructional Operations
3000 - Concept and Roles in Business and Non-Instructional Operations
3100 - Budget/Budgeting System
3110 - Budget:Planning
3113 - Setting Budget Priorities
3121 - Approval of the Budget/Delivery to Fiscal Authority
3152 - Spending Public Funds for Advocacy
3160 - Budget Procedures and Line Item Transfers
3170 - Expenditure Plan
3171.1 - Non-Lapsing Education Fund
3220 - State/Federal Funds
3230.1 - Federal Funds
3240 - Tuition Fees
3250 - Materials/Service Fees, Charges
3260 - Disposal of Obsolete or Surplus Equipment/Materials
3280 - Gifts, Grants and Bequests
3281 - School Fund Raisers
3281.2 - School Fund Raisers - Crowdfunding
3293.1 - Authorization of Signature
3300 - Expenditures/Expending Authority
3312.1 - Standardization of Supplies and Equipment
3313 - Relations with Vendors
3320 - Purchasing Procedures
3323 - Soliciting Prices (Bids and Quotations)
3324 - Ordering Goods and Services (Purchase Orders)
3325.1 - Maintenance and Control of Materials
3326 - Paying for Goods and Services
3326.3 - Board of Education Credit Card
3340 - Individuals with Disabilities Education Act Fiscal Compliance
3410 - System of Accounts
3420 - Classification of Expenditures
3430 - Periodic Financial Reports
3434 - Audits
3435 - Fraud Prevention and Investigation
3440 - Inventory of Assets
3450 - Monies in School Buildings
3453 - Activity Funds
3454 - Gate Receipts and Admission
3455 - High school Concession Stand
3510 - Operation and Maintenance of Plant
3511 - Compliance with 504 Regulations
3513.1 - Energy Conservation
3513.2 - Recycling Program
3514 - Home Use of Instructional Materials and Equipment
3515 - Community Use of School Facilities
3515.2 - Community Use of School Facilities - Parking
3516 - Safety
3516.11 - Hazardous Materials Communication
3516.12 - Asbestos Control
3516.33 - Do Not Resuscitate Order
3517 - Security of Buildings and Grounds
3517.2 - Vandalism
3520 - Data-Based Information Management System
3520.1 - Information Security Breach and Notification
3520.12 - Data-Based Information Management - Confidentiality Policy
3520.13 - Student Data Protection and Privacy/Cloud-Based Issues
3523.1 - Policy Guidelines for Technology Purchases
3523.3 - School Facilities - Playground Equipment
3523.11 - Unmanned Aerial Systems (Drones)
3524 - Hazardous Materials in Schools
3524.1 - Pest Management/Pesticide Application
3524.2 - Green Cleaning Program
3532.1 - Liability Insurance
3533 - Employee Bonds
3541 - Transportation
3541.5 - Transportation Complaints - Records and Reports
3541.6 - Transportation - Bus Drivers
3541.21 - Transportation - Responsibilities and Duties of Board of Education
3541.22 - Transportation - Drivers
3541.23 - Transportation - Bus Contractor
3541.35 - Transportation - Procedures for Emergencies/Safety
3541.44 - Transportation - Use of Private Automobiles on School Trips (by school employees)
3541.51 - Transportation - Procedure for Transportation Hearings
3542 - Food Service - School Lunch Service
3542.1 - Food Service - Purposes and Facilities
3542.22 - Food Service Personnel-Code of Conduct
3542.31 - Free or reduced-Price Lunches
3542.33 - Food Sales Other than National School Lunch Program
3542.41 - Professional Standards for Food Service Personnel
3542.42 - Food Service - Finance
3542.43 - Food Service - Charging Policy
3542.45 - Vending Machines
3543.11 - Printing and Duplicating Copyrighted Material
3543.13 - Mail and Delivery
3543.31 - Office Services/Records and Reports
3543.311 - Office Services/Records and Reports - Electronic Communications Use and Retention
4000 - Personnel
4000 - Concepts and Roles in Personnel
4100 - Certified Personnel
4111/4211 - Recruitment and Selection
4111.1/4211.1 - Equal Employment Opportunity
4111.3/4211.3 - Plan for Minority Recruitment and Selection
4112.5 /4212.5 - Employment and Student Teacher Checks
4112.52/4212.52 - Criminal History Record Information (CHRI) Security Check/Fingerprinting
4112.6/4212.6 - Personnel Records
4112.8 - Nepotism
4114/4214 -Assignment-Transfer-Reassignment
4115 - Evaluation of Certified Staff
4115.3 - Evaluation of Coaches
4118.5.4218.5 - Acceptable Use of Computer Systems and Electronic Communications
4118.112/4218.112-Sex Discrimination and Sexual Harassment
4118.12/4218.12 - Freedom of Speech and the Use of Media Including Social Media
4118.13/4218.13 - Conflict of Interest
4118.14/4218.14 - Personnel-Certified/Non-Certified - Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Disabilities
4118.21/4218.21 - Academic Freedom and Responsibility
4118.211 - Retaliation and Whistleblowing
4118.231/4218.231 - Personnel - Certified Alcohol, Tobacco, and Drug-Free Workplace
4118.234/5141.231 - Psychotropic Drug Use
4121/4221 - Substitute Teachers
4134 - Tutoring
4147.11/5141.24 - Students Staff with HIV ARC or AIDS
4147.22/4247.22 - CommunicableDiseases
4148.1/4218.1 - First Aid and Emergency Care and Role of School Nurse
4152.6/4252.6 - Family and Medical Leave (FMLA)
4212.42 - Personnel - Non Certified - Drug and Alcohol Testing for School Bus Drivers
4215.1 - Evaluation of School Nurses
4218.231 - Personnel - Non Certified Alcohol, Drugs, and Tobacco
5000 - Students
5111 - Admission/Placement
5112 - Ages of Attendance
5113 - AttendanceExcusesDismissal
5113.2 - Truancy
5114 - Suspension and Expulsion/Due Process
5114.21 - Conduct Code for Participation in Extracurricular Activities
5117 - School Attendance Areas
5118 - Nonresident or Tuition Students
5118.1 - Homeless Students
5121.2 - Eligibility for Honor Rolls
5121.3 - Academic Dishonesty: Cheating/Plagiarism
5122 - Assigning Students To a Teacher and Class in Grades K-12
5122.3 - Assignment of Former Home-Schooled Students to Classes
5124.1 - Reporting to Parents - District/School Report Cards
5125 - Student Records:Confidentiality
5131.111-Video Surveillance
5131.5 - Vandalism
5131.6 - Alcohol Use, Drugs, and Tobacco (including Performance Enhancing Substances)
5131.7 - Weapons and Dangerous Instruments
5131.8 - Off School Grounds Misconduct
5131.81- Use of Private Technology Devices by Students
5131.82 - Restrictions on Publications and Written or Electronic Material
5131.91 - Hazing Purpose and Philosophy
5131.911 - Bullying Prevention and Intervention Policy
5132 - Students- Dress and Grooming
5141 - Student Health Services
5141.3 - Health Assessments and Immunizations
5141.4 - Reporting Child Abuse Neglect and Sexual Assault
5141.61 - Dealing With The Effect Of A Death
5141.7 - Student Sports - Concussions
5141.21 - Administering Medicine
5141.22 - Communicable Infectious Diseases
5141.231-4118.234 - Psychotropic Drug Use
5141.24-4147.11 -Students Staff with HIV ARC or AIDS
5141.25 - Life-Threatening Allergies and Glycogen Storage Disease Management
5141.251 - Accommodating Students with Special Dietary Needs
5141.27 - Use of Automatic External Defibrillators
5141.29 - Student Based Health Clinic
5142 - Student Safety
5142.4 - Armed School Security Officers
5144.1-Use of Physical Force
5145.111 - Probation/Police/Courts
5145.122 - Use of Dogs to Search School Property
5145.14 - On-Campus Recruitment
5145.2 - Activism and Dissent
5145.21 - Middle School/High School Student Governance
5145.31 - Gambling
5145.4 - Americans with Disabilities Act/Section 504
5145.42 - Racial Harassment of Students
5145.5 - Sexual Discrimination and Sexual Harassment
5145.511-Exploitation; Sexual Harassment
5145.53 - Transgender and Gender Non-Conforming Youth
5151.5 - Suicide Prevention and Intervention
6000 - Instruction
6000 - Instruction
6111 - School Calendar
6114 - Emergencies and Disaster Preparedness
6114.1 - Fire Emergency (Drills)/Crisis Response Drills/Bus Safety Drills
6114.3 - Bomb Threats and Explosive Devices
6114.6 - Emergency Closings
6114.8-Pandemic/Epidemic Emergencies
6115 - Pledge of Allegiance
6121 - Nondiscrimination in the Instructional Program
6141.321 - Responsible Computer, Network and Internet Use
6141.51/6141.52 - Enrollment in an Advanced Course or Program and Challenging Curriculum
6142.101 - School Wellness Policy
6146 - Graduation Requirements
6151 - Class Size
6153 - Field Trips
6153.1 - Educational Tours
6163.1-Selection of Library Media Resources
6163.32 - Live Animals in the Classroom
6172 - Alternative Education Programs
6172.1 - Gifted and Talented Students Program
6172.3 - Home Schooling
6172.4 - Parent and Family Engagement Policy for Title I Students
6172.5 Pilot Programs and Research Projects
6172.6 - Distance Education - Virtual/Online Courses
6172.61-Distance Learning Plan Due to Health - and Safety School Closure
7000 - New Construction
9000 - Bylaws of the Board
Newtown Bylaws Appendix Reference
9000 - Role of Board Members Powers Purposes Duties
9010 - Limits of Authority
9012 - Legal Responsibilities of Boards of Education
9020 - Public Statements
9020.1 - Advocacy
9020.3 - Recognition for Individual Accomplishment
9030 - Commitment to Democratic Principles in Relation to Community, Staff and Students
9100 - Officers / Organizational Meeting of the Board
9124 - Recording Secretary Clerk
9125 - Attorney
9130 - Committees
9140 - Meeting with Town Boards and Commissions
9150 - Board Consultants
9160 - Board of Education Student Representation
Members Election
9221 - Method of Filling Vacancies
9222 - Resignation Removal from Office Censure
9230 - Orientation of Board Members
9240 - Board Member Professional Development
9250 - Remuneration and Reimbursement
9270 - Conflict of Interest
9271 - Code of Ethics
9272 - Code of Conduct on Data Use
9310 - Dissemination of Policies
9311 - Formulation, Adoption, Amendment of Policies
9321 - Time, Place, Notification of Meetings
9322 - Public and Executive Sessions
9323 - Agenda Construction/Meeting Materials
9325 - Meeting Conduct
9325.1 - Quorum and Voting Procedures
9325.2 - Order of Business
9325.3 - Parliamentary Procedures (Rules and Debate)
9325.4 - Vote Recording/Minutes
9326 - Taping Recording Board Meetings Recording Devices
9327 - Electronic Mail Communications
9330 - Board School System Records
9350 - Hearings
9360 - School Board Legislative Program
9400 - Monitoring Products and Processes
Policies Under Revision
Policies of Community Relations
9-100 - School-Community Relations
9-201 - Surveys and Research Projects
9-203 - Purchase of Classroom Pictures, Yearbooks, and Class Rings
9-203.1 - Regulations
9-300 - Parent/Community Organizations
Policies of Instruction
8-202 - Guidelines for Educational Assessment
8-203 - School Improvement Plan
8-204 - Instructional Assessment
8-301 - Media Centers
8-303 - Approval of Textbooks
8-303.1 - Selection of Textbooks
8-304 - Instructional Materials - Student Access
8-400 - Controversial Issues in the Classroom
8-401 - Religion and the Schools
8-402 - Holiday Programs
8-402.1 - Guidelines for Recognition of Religious Holidays
8-403 - Opening Exercises
8-404 - Homework
8-405 - Field Trips
8-406 - Photographs, Broadcasting, or Videotaping Special School Activities
8-407 - Public Performance by School Musical Organizations
8-408 - Independent Study
8-500 - Comparability of Services
8-501 - Waiver for Site Initiatives
8-502 - Pupil Services
8-502.1 - Guidance and Counseling
8-502.2 - Special Education
8-601 - Promotion of Equity Among Students in the Newtown School District
8-602.1 - Section 504 Due Process
8-603 - Harassment of Students
8-604 - Hazing Prohibition
8-700 - Exemption from AIDS/Sex Education Units
8-701 - Drug and Alcohol Education
8-702 - Career Education
8-703 - Performing Fine Arts
8-602 - Non-Discrimination Policy
Policy 8-602