1000 - Concept, Goals and Roles in Community Relations

Policy 1000
Community Relations
Concept, Goals and Roles in Community Relations
The Board of Education and all school personnel recognize the prime importance of keeping the community informed about the purpose, the achievements, the value, the needs, and the conditions of the Newtown Public Schools.
All appropriate media should be used to keep the public informed of school activities. Therefore, the Board of Education encourages the participation of the media, including the press, radio, and television to inform the community about the schools. School staff is encouraged to work with the media in this regard.
Information of a factual nature, concerning the regular activities of a school, may be released at the discretion of each principal. Information about system-wide programs or activities, which may be new to the community, should be made through a designated district spokesperson.
Any news release concerning activities or policies of the Board of Education, or interpretive of Board policies, should be released by the Office of the Superintendent of Schools.
Copies of all printed releases shall be filed with the Office of the Superintendent.
Policy adopted: May 5, 2015
NEWTOWN PUBLIC SCHOOLS, Newtown, Connecticut
EFFECTIVE: July 1, 2015