9230 - Orientation of Board Members

Policy 9230
Bylaws of the Board
Orientation of Board Members
The Board of Education and the administrative staff shall assist each new Board member-elect to become familiar with and to understand the Board of Education's functions, policies and procedures and operation of the school district before the member takes office. The following methods shall be employed:
- The incoming member shall be given selected materials on the function of the Board of Education and the school district.
- The Superintendent shall arrange a meeting of the Board Chairperson or their designee, the Superintendent, other pertinent staff and the new member for the purpose of answering questions and acquainting the member with the district.
- The incoming member shall be given access to the Board's policies and bylaws and administrative regulations and copies of pertinent materials developed by the State School Board Association, Board minutes for the past year and other helpful information explaining the Board's roles and responsibilities.
- The Board Chairperson or designee shall arrange a meeting with new Board member(s) for the purpose of explaining and answering questions about Board processes and procedures.
- The Board Chairperson may request a veteran Board member to mentor a new member.
- The incoming member may attend, at district expense, workshops for newly elected members as approved by the Board of Education.
Bylaw adopted by the Board: 10/15/19