8-404 - Homework
Policy 8-404
Homework is recognized as an integral part of the schools' educational program. It is a form of purposeful learning activity that can be an important contribution to regular classroom work at all grade levels. As a form of independent study directly related to classroom work, homework
provides students with the opportunity to develop and to reinforce skills and attitudes that encourage responsibility and self-directed learning.
The classroom remains as the primary instructional center in the schools. Homework relevant to the instructional program's objectives is to be assigned by the classroom teacher when it is necessary and considered to be an effective means to reinforce or enrich the classroom learning experience.
Homework can be classified into one of three basic categories: practice, preparation, or extension.
Practice is the most common and simple kind of homework. Its purpose is to provide students with an opportunity to reinforce and master specific skills that have been presented in class.
Preparation homework assignments are given to make students ready for the next class meeting, for example, students may be asked to read the next chapter in their biology text. Important considerations in making such assignments are to assess the length and difficulty of the assignment and to allow time for follow-up in class. This type of homework might also include library research or other activities that require students to gather and organize information in preparation for class discussion.
Extension assignments are designed to take students beyond the work covered in class and encourage them to apply concepts and skills learned in class to new and creative situations. This is a higher order of homework in that it is designed to help students develop their intellectual capabilities beyond those required for memory or simple comprehension.
The type, frequency, and quantity of homework assigned by the teacher should be consistent not only with the instructional program's objectives but with the needs, capabilities, and interests of the individual student or class as well. In fulfillment of this objective, the teacher should help students to understand the purpose and significance of the assignment. The completion of homework assignments and the evaluation of appropriate homework should be considered in the assessment of a pupil's progress.
The Board of Education realizes that the following guidelines cannot always be uniformly applied each night of the week. However, it shall be the responsibility of the principal to see that the spirit of these guidelines is implemented in a fair and consistent fashion. It is important to acknowledge variables such as speed of assignment completion, study habits, and number of study halls, which make it impossible for all students in the same grade to have uniform time spent each evening completing school work.
The times indicated below are for students in the mainstream of academic achievement in Newtown.
Grade 1 - Homework may be assigned requiring 50 minutes a week.
Grade 2 - Homework requiring 1 to 1-1/2 hours per week may be assigned.
Grade 3 - 30 minutes per night
Grade 4 - 45 minutes per night
Grade 5 - 50 minutes per night
Grade 6 - 1 hour per night
Grades 7-8 - 1-1/2 hours per night
Grades 9-12 - 2 hours per night
Adopted 6/9/81
Updated 6/12/84, 10/10/95