3430 - Periodic Financial Reports

Policy 3430
Business/Non-Instructional Operations
Periodic Financial Reports
The Superintendent of Schools shall be responsible for accounting for all monies expended from within the school budget. The Superintendent shall direct the Director of Business to keep files of all invoices and payroll authorizations, and shall keep a record for the information of the Board of the expenditures broken down into the same categories and numbered accounts as the budget and the approved accounting system.
The Superintendent shall submit to the Board of Education monthly reports on the status of the budget, showing appropriations, expenditures, transfers and anticipated revenues for the fiscal year to date.
The Superintendent, as agent for the Board of Education, shall be responsible for making annual reports to the Town, the State Board of Education, the Teacher’s Retirement Board, and other such agencies required by law.
Legal Reference: Connecticut State Library Office of Public Records
Policy adopted: April 4, 2017
NEWTOWN PUBLIC SCHOOLS, Newtown, Connecticut