1230 - Other School-Connected Organizations

Policy 1230
Community Relations
Other School-Connected Organizations
Parent Organizations and Booster Clubs
Parent organizations and booster clubs are invaluable resources to the District’s schools. The Board of Education recognizes that parent organizations and extracurricular support groups, or “booster clubs” provide important support to District schools, and can be valuable means of stimulating community interest in the aims and activities of District schools. Support organizations may be defined in two ways:
- an organization which is created to foster community support and provide resources for a particular sport or activity in the school or school system; or
- an organization which is created to foster community support and raise funds for the school’s general extracurricular program.
Parent organizations and booster clubs are recognized by the Board of Education and permitted to use the District’s name, a District school’s name, or a District school’s team name, or any logo attributable to the District provided they first receive the Superintendent or designee’s express written consent. Consent to use one of the above-mentioned names or logos will generally be granted if the organization or club has bylaws containing the following:
- The organization’s or club’s name and purpose, such as, to enhance students’ educational experiences, to help meet educational needs of students, to provide extra athletic benefits to students, to assist specific sports teams or academic clubs through financial support, or to enrich extracurricular activities.
- The rules and procedures under which it operates.
- An agreement to adhere to all Board policies and administrative procedures.
- A statement that membership is open and unrestricted, meaning that membership is open to parents/guardians of students enrolled in the school, district staff, and community members or an agreement not to engage in discrimination based on someone’s innate characteristics or membership in a suspect classification.
- A statement that the District is not, and will not be, responsible for the organization’s or club’s business or the conduct of its members.
- An agreement to maintain and protect its own finances. The group must maintain bank, financial, and tax exempt status separate from the school or District. The organization will provide to the Board annually or upon request a complete set of financial records or detailed treasurer’s report.
- A recognition that money given to a school cannot be earmarked for any particular expense. Booster clubs may make recommendations, but cash or other valuable consideration must be given to the District to use at its discretion. The Board of Education’s legal obligation to comply with Title IX by providing equal athletic opportunity for members of both genders will supersede an organization or club’s recommendation.
- be voluntary;
- submit an activity schedule in advance to the Superintendent of Schools or his/her designee for prior approval. Any time a booster club uses the name of the District or any language suggesting that the District has endorsed, sponsored or otherwise approved of the club’s activities, there must be prior approval by the Superintendent or his/her designee;
- seek advance approval for any use of school facilities and/or equipment and such use will comply with all policies and regulations established by the Board;
- avoid interference with any previously approved student activity;
- seek approval in advance of all fundraising activities by the Superintendent or building Principal;
- understand and respect the authority of District employees in the administration of their duties; and
- assume all financial responsibility for the booster club, including but not limited to the provision of adequate insurance coverage, as appropriate.
Booster club proposed plans, projects and other activities must be evaluated and promoted in light of their stated contribution to the academic as well as the extracurricular school programs.
Careful consideration should be given to the total value of the contribution to all students, and not just to specific student groups.
The Board retains final responsibility and authority on all activities which have an impact on students, school programs and/or school owned property.
Further, the Board recognizes its responsibility to ensure that equivalent benefits and services are provided to members of both sexes. Therefore, if booster clubs provide benefits, services or tangible property that assist only teams or programs of one gender, the Board shall ensure that teams or programs of the other gender receive equivalent benefits, services or tangible property. If a booster club provides benefits, services or tangible property which are greater than that which the District is capable of providing to the athletes or programs of the other gender, the administration shall take action, within policy parameters, to ensure equivalency for both sexes.
(cf. 1110.1 - Parental Involvement)
(cf. 1140 - Distribution of Materials by Students)
(cf. 1210 - School Community Associations)
(cf. 3280 - Gifts, Grants and Bequests)
(cf. 3281 - School Fund Raising)
(cf. 3515 - Community Use of School Facilities)
Legal Reference: Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972, 20 U.S.C.A § 1681.
Policy adopted: May 5, 2015
NEWTOWN PUBLIC SCHOOLS, Newtown, Connecticut
EFFECTIVE: July 1, 2015
Policy 1230
Community Relations
Other School-Connected Organizations
Booster Clubs/Organizations
Booster organizations are important to the extracurricular activities provided for District students. Such organizations provide positive support to the students, the program, and the personnel in a particular program. Booster organizations shall comply with established guidelines in cooperation with the Superintendent or his/her designee. The following guidelines regulate booster organization within this District.
- Constitution/Bylaws/Officers Each booster organization involved with school activities or students shall develop and maintain a constitution and bylaws for the organization setting forth the purposes of the organization and the general rules and procedures by which it shall operate. A copy of the constitution and bylaws shall be forwarded to the Superintendent or his/her designee. Each booster organization shall submit a list of officers annually to the Superintendent or his/her designee.
- Fund Raising Activities Fund raising activities shall be requested in writing to the Building Principal, reviewed at the building level, approved by the Superintendent or his/her designee and conform to District guidelines. Two (2) major fund-raising activities involving students shall be permitted each year; exceptions may be granted by the Superintendent. Fund-raising activities may occur during the length of a particular athletic/sport season or as a special activity approved by the Superintendent or his/her designee. No student time during the regular school day shall be allowed for fund-raising activities for any booster organization. Student solicitation within the community for any booster organization shall be minimal.
- Permissible Awards An approved booster organization may purchase a sweater, jacket, blazer, blanket, shorts, jersey, cap, watch, ring, photograph, medal, plaque, or similar trophy with appropriate insignia of comparable identification, for an athlete, in recognition of his/her athletic performance, and present such awards at a time appropriate to such recognition.
- Insurance Each booster organization shall maintain insurance coverage recommended by the District for bodily injury and property damage. Proof of such coverage shall be submitted to the District’s Business Office.
- Audit/Treasurer’s Report Each booster organization shall prepare an audit or treasurer’s report at least once a year. A copy of the audit/treasurer’s report shall be submitted to the Superintendent or his/her designee and forwarded to the Board of Education upon request.
- Use of Facilities Booster organizations requesting use of facilities and/or services shall initiate those requests with the Building Principal and in compliance with the District’s policy on facility usage. No activity shall be permitted without such approval.
- Recognition Functions A booster club may sponsor athletic banquets to which student athletes may be invited without charging admission to such athlete. A booster club planning a recognition event shall request permission of the Building Principal to conduct such an event and to clear the date for the event.
- Concessions Booster organizations involved in concessions at school events shall follow District guidelines.
- Expenditures for Equipment, Supplies, etc. All game uniforms shall be purchased by the District. The “game uniform” shall include any clothing, headgear or shoes that (a) display the school colors or logo (except shoes), (b) are purchased by the District, (c) are worn in warm-up for a contest, during the contest, or immediately subsequent to the contest, and (d) is intended to be collected by the school at the conclusion of the season. Ancillary gear and apparel such as coaching aid equipment items, shoes, bags or totes, etc., may, however, be purchased and/or donated by booster groups, corporate sponsors, or other non-school sanctioned entities. Items purchased or donated other than by the District must meet the criteria as defined below:
- The donation/purchase of goods shall meet all policies and procedures of the District;
- The donation/purchase of goods shall adhere to all Board policies and guidelines;
- The donation/purchase of goods shall have the written approval of the Building Principal and Athletic Director prior to any deliberations commencing with a potential provider;
- Any donation of goods may not be in conflict with any District-level sponsorships that may be in effect;
- Any agreement or contract proposed shall be reviewed by the District’s attorney and the Superintendent or his/her designee;
- Consideration must be given to the impact of booster organization purchases, donations or services on Title IX compliance. Approval will be based on maintaining the necessary equivalence of benefits and services to both genders.
10. Compliance Should any situation emerge between a booster organization and the administration regarding the management of any school-related activity, the Superintendent or his/her designee shall resolve the issue within these established guidelines or Board policy. No booster organization shall engage in any activity outside these guidelines. Further, in conducting its activities, booster organizations shall comply with all state and federal laws, as applicable.
(cf. 1110.1 - Parental Involvement)
(cf. 1140 - Distribution of Materials by Students)
(cf. 1210 - School Community Associations)
(cf. 3280 - Gifts, Grants and Bequests)
(cf. 3281 - School Fund Raising)
(cf. 3515 - Community Use of School Facilities)
Legal Reference: Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972
Regulation approved: May 5, 2015
NEWTOWN PUBLIC SCHOOLS, Newtown, Connecticut
EFFECTIVE: July 1, 2015