2250 - Monitoring of Product and Process Goals

Policy 2250
Monitoring of Product and Process Goals
The Superintendent, in cooperation with the school staff, student body, parents and any other interested persons or groups, shall establish and maintain a comprehensive plan in concert with the Newtown Public Schools Strategic Plan for monitoring the progress of the schools in achieving product goals (student learning) and process goals (effectiveness of operations).
The plan shall provide, first, for reports to the Board of Education on student achievement in academic, vocational and general behavioral pursuits in relation to professional and Board- adopted instructional goals. Second, the plan shall provide for reports to the Board of Education on the effectiveness of the schools in reaching Board-adopted goals in community relations, administration, business and non-instructional operations, personnel, student personnel administration, and instruction.
Policy adopted: July 30, 2015
NEWTOWN PUBLIC SCHOOLS, Newtown, Connecticut