2220 - Administrative Councils and Committees

Policy 2220
Administrative Councils and Committees
The Board of Education authorizes the Superintendent to establish permanent or temporary councils and committees which he/she deems necessary for proper administration of Board policies and for the improvement of the total educational program. All councils and committees created by the Superintendent shall be for the purpose of obtaining to a maximum degree the professional advice and counsel of the personnel of the school system.
The number, composition, and work to be done by such councils and committees shall be defined by the Superintendent or his/her designated representative and shall be changed at his/her discretion.
The Board further authorizes school principals to establish permanent and temporary councils and committees within his/her respective faculty and school which he/she deems necessary for proper administration of Board Policies and administrative rules. All councils and committees created by a principal shall be for the purpose of obtaining to a maximum degree the professional advice and council of such personnel.
The number, composition, and work to be done by such councils and committees shall be defined by the Principal, and shall be changed at his/her discretion.
Policy adopted: July 30, 2015
NEWTOWN PUBLIC SCHOOLS, Newtown, Connecticut