5114.21 - Conduct Code for Participation in Extracurricular Activities

Policy 5114.21
Conduct Code for Participation in Extracurricular Activities
Extracurricular activities, for purposes of this policy, includes all extracurricular activities and all other school sponsored activities other than regular classroom and laboratory classes. The goal of such activities is to provide every participant the opportunity to grow mentally, morally, physically and emotionally. To assure that the program can provide these opportunities, a degree of self-discipline is required for each participant, which involves compliance with rules and regulations concerning personal behavior.
Participation in extracurricular activities and athletics is not a right but a privilege that may be regulated. Students participating in extracurricular activities and athletic programs at District schools are therefore expected to adhere to high standards of behavior. The student and/or the school are judged by the student’s conduct. The attitude of a student has an impact on the attitude and conduct of others. Students participating in extracurricular activities are expected to abide by all rules outlined in District policies pertaining to conduct, in the Code of Conduct, as well as all other standard school rules and policies.
The Superintendent of Schools or his/her designee with input from coaches and sponsors/directors of extracurricular activities, shall develop a code of conduct for all participants in extracurricular activities consistent with Board policy and the rules, policies and regulations adopted by the Connecticut Interscholastic Athletic Association (CIAC) in which the District maintains a membership. The conduct code shall:
- require participants in extracurricular activities to conduct themselves at all times, including after school and on days when school is not in session and whether on or off school property, as good citizens and exemplars of their school,
- notify participants that failure to abide by it could result in removal from the activity, and
- be reviewed by the Building Principal periodically at his/her discretion and presented to the Board.
All coaches and sponsors of extracurricular activities shall annually review the rules of conduct with participants and provide participants with a copy.
The Principal or his/her designee may declare a student ineligible whose conduct is contrary to and in violation of the rules and regulations established and made known to students or whose conduct is contrary or in violation of Board of Education policy.
To retain eligibility for participation in extracurricular activities, students must conduct themselves as good citizens both in and out of school. Any student who is found to have violated the District’s/school’s Code of Conduct will be deemed ineligible for a period of time as outlined in disciplinary policies and the Code of Conduct.
Students who engage in recurring incidents of negative behavior are subject to escalating penalties and possible removal from an athletic team or extracurricular activity.
In addition to facing sanctions at the team level, student-athletes who violate Board policies will also be subject to disciplinary consequences, up to and including suspension and expulsion from school, in accordance with the Board’s student discipline policy.
All students are expected to adhere to Board policies regarding the use, possession, or distribution of tobacco, alcohol, drugs or other illegal substances. Any student-athlete or participant in extracurricular activities found to be using, possessing, or distributing tobacco, alcohol, illegal substances or steroids, or misusing prescription drugs, on or off campus will be suspended from his/her team or activity for a period of time in conformity with the Code of Conduct. In addition, the student may be referred to outside counseling, at parental expense, and/or law enforcement authorities, in accordance with Board policies. The sale, distribution or transmission of a controlled substance as defined in subdivision (9) of 21a-240 of the Connecticut General Statutes on or off school grounds shall be subject to mandatory expulsion, exclusion from all school privileges, as required by state laws and Board policy 5114.
Head coaches/advisors may establish additional rules and regulations which apply only to their teams or activity. The additional rules may not violate or supersede any rules or procedures of this policy. Extracurricular codes of conduct may take into consideration conduct that occurs outside of the schools’ usual jurisdiction. No provision of an extracurricular code of conduct shall have the effect of discrimination on the basis of sex, sexual orientation, race, disability, religion or ethnicity. Additional rules and regulations must be approved by the Building Principal/Athletic Director and distributed in writing to all participants prior to the beginning of the season or activity. Students and their parents (when presented) shall sign and return to the coach a statement that they have read the athletic code of conduct and consent to it as a condition of participation in the activity.
(cf. 5114 – Suspension/Expulsion; Student Due Process)
(cf. 5114.2 – Suspension from Interscholastic Athletics)
(cf. 5131 – Conduct)
(cf. 5131.6 – Alcohol Use, Drugs, and Tobacco (including Performance Substances)
(cf. 5131.62 – Steroid Use)
(cf. 5131.8 – Off School Grounds Misconduct)
(cf. 5135 – Academic Eligibility)
(cf. 5144 – Discipline/Punishment)
(cf. 5145.125 – Drug Testing–Extracurricular Activities)
(cf. 6164.11 – Drugs, Alcohol, Tobacco)
Legal Reference: Connecticut General Statutes
1-21b Smoking prohibited in certain places.
10-19 Teaching about alcohol, nicotine or tobacco, drugs and acquired immune deficiency syndrome. Training of personnel.
10-154a Professional communications between teacher or nurse and student. Surrender or physical evidence obtained from students.
10-220b Policy statement on drugs.
10-221(d) Boards of education to prescribe rules, policies and procedures re sale or possession of alcohol or controlled drugs.
21a-240 Definitions dependency producing drugs.
21a -240(8) Definitions “Controlled Drugs,” dependency producing drugs.
21a-240(9) Definitions “controlled substance.”
21a-243 Regulation re schedules of controlled substances.
53-198 Smoking in motor buses, railroad cars and school buses.
Federal Regulation 34 CFR Part 85 Drug-free Schools & Communities Act.
20 U.S.C. Section 7181 et. seq., No Child Left Behind Act.
New Jersey v. T.L.O, 469 U.S. 325 (1985).
Veronia School District 47J v. Acton, 515 U.S. 646 (1995) Board of Education of Independent School District No 92 of Pottawatomie County v. Earls 01-332 U.S. (2002).
10-19 Teaching about alcohol, nicotine or tobacco, drugs and acquired immune deficiency syndrome. Training of personnel.
10-154a Professional communications between teacher or nurse and student. Surrender or physical evidence obtained from students.
10-220b Policy statement on drugs.
10-221(d) Boards of education to prescribe rules, policies and procedures re sale or possession of alcohol or controlled drugs.
21a-240 Definitions dependency producing drugs.
21a -240(8) Definitions “Controlled Drugs,” dependency producing drugs.
21a-240(9) Definitions “controlled substance.”
21a-243 Regulation re schedules of controlled substances.
53-198 Smoking in motor buses, railroad cars and school buses.
Federal Regulation 34 CFR Part 85 Drug-free Schools & Communities Act.
20 U.S.C. Section 7181 et. seq., No Child Left Behind Act.
New Jersey v. T.L.O, 469 U.S. 325 (1985).
Veronia School District 47J v. Acton, 515 U.S. 646 (1995) Board of Education of Independent School District No 92 of Pottawatomie County v. Earls 01-332 U.S. (2002).
Policy adopted: August 15, 2017
NEWTOWN PUBLIC SCHOOLS, Newtown, Connecticut
Regulation 5114.21(a)
Conduct Code for Participation in Extracurricular Activities
In accordance with Policy 5114.21, Newtown Public Schools has developed a code of conduct for all participants in extracurricular activities, so that students, both on and off campus, conduct themselves as good citizens and role models of their schools. The Code of Conduct is consistent with Board policy and the rules, policies, and regulations adopted by the Connecticut Interscholastic Athletic Association (CIAC), in which the District maintains a membership. Failure to abide by the Code of Conduct could result in the removal from an extra-curricular activity. An extra-curricular activity is defined as any sport, activity, club, or elective program that students voluntarily participate in and which is not tied to the daily academic schedule, BOE approved curriculum, or grade (e.g., football, marching band, NHS musical, debate club).
NHS Student-Athlete Code of Conduct
Participation on a Newtown High School athletic team is a privilege and not a right. Student-Athletes should act as role models in the school, the playing venue and the community. We believe in education based athletics. Behavior that is not appropriate in school or in the community can lead to consequences on the playing field. We also believe that academic responsibilities come before athletics. As members of their team, student-athletes serve as role models. They are admired and respected by many, including younger athletes and their behavior and actions often have a significant impact on others. The student-athlete plays an essential role in the promotion of sportsmanship and he or she must accept the responsibility to display high standards of sportsmanship. A student-athlete demonstrates the following:
• Accepting the responsibility and privilege they have in representing their school and community by learning and showing teamwork, sportsmanship and discipline in all aspects of the game.
• Respecting all individuals by exhibiting good character and conducting themselves as a positive role model.
• Winning and losing graciously.
• Willingness to work for the good of the team at all times.
• Cheering for their team, not against their opponent.
• Congratulating opponents in a sincere manner following either victory or defeat.
• Respecting all individuals by exhibiting good character and conducting themselves as a positive role model.
• Winning and losing graciously.
• Willingness to work for the good of the team at all times.
• Cheering for their team, not against their opponent.
• Congratulating opponents in a sincere manner following either victory or defeat.
NHS Student Substance Abuse Code of Conduct
The Newtown Board of Education recognizes the serious societal problem of substance abuse and the implications this has for our students in the Newtown Public School System. In partnership with families and other local institutions, our schools play a significant role in the early detection of substance abuse, the protection of children from the use, promotion and sale of alcohol and controlled substances and the improper use and sale of prescription drugs.
All student-athletes are subject to Newtown Board of Education policies, Newtown High School administrative policies, disciplinary actions and suspension or removal from co-curricular activities for the possession, use, dispensing, sale or distribution, aid in the procurement or under the influence of any of the following:
• Alcohol
• Anabolic Steroids
• Diuretics
• Illicit Drugs
• Hormones or Analogues
• Mood Altering or Controlled Substances
• Performance Enhancements
• Stimulants
• Any substance purposed to be a restricted substance including but not limited to tobacco, cigarettes, electronic or vapor cigarettes.
• Anabolic Steroids
• Diuretics
• Illicit Drugs
• Hormones or Analogues
• Mood Altering or Controlled Substances
• Performance Enhancements
• Stimulants
• Any substance purposed to be a restricted substance including but not limited to tobacco, cigarettes, electronic or vapor cigarettes.
A student that is under the influence of any of the above-mentioned substances on school grounds or during school activities, will be excluded from all school related co-curricular activities for a period of (60) sixty calendar days. If the 60-day period is not concluded by the end of the school year, the remaining days will resume at the start of the next school year. If such student engages in any prohibited activity listed above off school grounds, at any time, seven days a week, regardless of whether or not prohibited conduct occurs during the student’s actual participation in the activity or whether other school-related disciplinary action has occurred, the student will be excluded from all school related co-curricular activities for a period of (60) sixty calendar days. If the 60-day period is not concluded by the end of the school year, the remaining days will resume at the start of the next school year.
A student whose conduct off school grounds is in violation of the substance abuse policy and is seriously disruptive of the educational process shall be subject to severe disciplinary action, up to and including expulsion from school. In accord with Newtown High School policies and expectations, this is applicable to all co-curricular activities sponsored by the school.
The Newtown Board of Education, Newtown Administrators and NHS Athletic Department are committed to achieving an environment free of substance abuse in our schools. While this goal cannot be achieved by the school district alone, regardless of funding, staff ability or program development, the Newtown High School Administration will provide students with preventive and intervention support and education. The family, church, community health services, mental health and treatment facilities and concerned citizens must play a role if our goal is to be accomplished. We support sharing approaches and programs with other districts and institutions and recognize that these problems neither begin at the school door nor end at the district’s boundaries. The solutions to the difficult problems of substance abuse need to be approached by society as a whole.
Regulation adopted: August 15, 2017
Regulation revised: December 13, 2017
NEWTOWN PUBLIC SCHOOLS, Newtown, Connecticut