9323 - Agenda Construction/Meeting Materials

Policy 9323
Bylaws of the Board
Agenda Construction/Meeting Materials
The Superintendent of Schools, in collaboration with the Chairperson, shall prepare all agendas and supportive materials for meetings of the Board. In doing so, the Superintendent shall consult appropriate members of the administrative staff and other Board members as necessary. Any Board member who wishes to have an item included on the agenda should notify the Board Chairperson in sufficient time for the Board Chairperson to review the request with the Superintendent. The agenda shall provide time for members of the public who wish to speak briefly on an item before the Board.
The agenda and supporting materials shall be distributed to Board members prior to the Board meeting in sufficient time to allow the members to consider the issues carefully. Board members seeking inclusion of agenda items are also encouraged to provide supportive and explanatory material.
Agendas shall also be made available to the press, representatives of the community, staff, town agency representatives, school administrators, and to others upon request. Agendas for regular Board of Education meetings shall be available to the public in the Superintendent of School’s office, posted on the District’s website, and provides to the Town Clerk not less than 24 hours in advance of the meeting time. The same requirements shall be met for special meetings of the Board unless called in an emergency with less than 24 hours notice.
(cf. 1120 Public Participation at Board Meetings)
(cf. 1331 Smoke Free Environment)
(cf. 9121 Board Officers)
(cf. 9321 Time, Place, Notification for Meetings)
(cf. 9324 Meeting Conduct & Parliamentary Procedures)
(cf. 9325.1 Quorum)
(cf. 9325.2 Order of Business)
(cf. 9326 Minutes)
Legal Reference: Connecticut General Statutes
1-225 Meetings of government agencies to be public. Recording of votes. Schedule and agenda of meetings to be filed. Notice of special meetings. Executive sessions. (subsection (a) re agenda), (as amended by June 11 Special Session, PA 08-3)
Approved: 1/7/2020