6142.101 - School Wellness Policy

Policy 6142.101
School Wellness
Student wellness, including good nutrition and physical activity, shall be promoted in the district’s educational program, school activities, and meal programs. In accordance with federal and state law, it is the policy of the Board of Education to provide students access to healthy foods and beverages; provide opportunities for developmentally appropriate physical activity; and require all meals served by the District meet or exceed the federal nutritional guidelines issued by the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the “Connecticut Nutrition Standards for Foods in Schools,” whichever are greater. This policy shall be interpreted consistently with Section 204 of the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010 (Public Law 111-296) In developing goals for nutrition promotion and education, physical activity, and other school-based activities that promote student wellness, the District will, as required, review and consider evidence-based strategies and techniques.
Nutrition Guidelines for Foods in Schools
Students will be offered and schools will promote nutritious food choices consistent with the current dietary guidelines published by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and the Department of Agriculture, and guidelines promulgated by the Connecticut Department of Nutrition Guidelines for Foods in Schools (continued) Education (“Connecticut Nutrition Standards for Foods in Schools”) in addition to federal and state statutes and national health organizations. The focus is on moderating calories, limiting fats, sodium and sugars and increasing consumption of nutrient-rich foods such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, low-fat dairy, lean meats and legumes. In addition, in order to promote student health and reduce childhood obesity, the Superintendent or designee shall establish such administrative procedures to control food and beverage sales that compete with the District’s nonprofit food service in compliance with the Child Nutrition Act. The District shall restrict the sale of foods of minimal nutritional value as defined by the U.S. Department of Agriculture and will ensure that all foods sold or served to students separately from school meals meet the District’s Nutrition Standards. All beverages sold or served to students on school premises will be healthy choices that meet the requirements of state statute and USDA beverage requirements. Students will have access to free drinking water in the cafeterias and throughout the school day. The following link is the CSDE list of acceptable foods and beverages: https://portal.ct.gov/SDE/Nutrition/List-of-Acceptable-Foods-and-Beverages
All sources of food sales to students at school must comply with the “Connecticut Nutrition Standards for Food in Schools” including, but not limited to, cafeteria a la carte sales, vending machines, school stores, before & after school care and fundraisers. The District shall ensure that all beverages sold to students comply with the requirements of state statute and USDA beverage requirements. The stricter requirements where different between the state and federal regulations must be followed. The District shall ensure compliance with allowable time frames for the sale of competitive foods as specified by state law.
Reimbursable School Meals
Reimbursable school meals served shall meet, at a minimum, the nutrition requirements and regulations for the National School Lunch Program and/or School Breakfast Program.
Non-sold Foods and Beverages
Non-sold foods and beverages brought into the schools by students and other persons for school sponsored events shall comply with federal nutrition standards.
Physical Education Guidelines in Schools
Schools will support and promote an active lifestyle for students. Physical education is taught in all grades by state certified and endorsed educators and is in alignment with state physical education standards. Physical and Health educators will be given relevant and specific professional development opportunities each year. The curriculum will be standards based, developmentally planned and sequentially delivered. The curriculum will foster the development of movement skills, enhance health related fitness, increase students’ knowledge, offer direct opportunities to learn how to work cooperatively in a group setting and encourage healthy habits and attitudes for a healthy lifestyle.
The Board designates the Superintendent or his/her designee to ensure compliance with this policy and its administrative regulations. He/She is responsible for retaining all documentation of compliance with this policy and its regulations, including, but not limited to, each school’s three- year assessment and evaluation report and this wellness policy and plan. The Superintendent will also be responsible for public notification of the three-year assessment and evaluation report, including any updates to this policy made as a result of the Board’s three-year assessment and evaluation.
The District shall develop a plan designed to achieve the involvement requirements in the development, implementation, monitoring, and assessment of this policy. The Superintendent or designee shall provide periodic implementation data and/or reports to the Board concerning this policy’s implementation sufficient to allow the Board to monitor and adjust the policy. The District, as required, will retain records and documents pertaining to the wellness policy which shall include the written school wellness policy, documentation demonstrating compliance with community involvement requirements, documentation of the triennial assessment of the wellness policy and documentation to demonstrate compliance with the annual public notification requirement.
Community Input
The District will establish a Wellness Committee to provide opportunities for suggestions and comments regarding the development, implementation, periodic review and improvement of the School Wellness Policy from community members, including parents, students, and representatives of the school food authority, teachers of physical education, school health professionals, members of the Board of Education, school administrators and the public. The Wellness Committee will meet two to three times per year, and as needed, to review and discuss health and wellness topics relevant to the school community.
Evaluation of Wellness Policy
In an effort to measure the implementation of this policy, the Board of Education designates the Superintendent or his/her designee as the person who will be responsible for ensuring that each school meets the goals outlined in this policy. To ensure continuing progress, the District will evaluate implementation efforts and their impact on students and staff at least every three years. The District will make available to the public, the results of the three-year assessment and evaluation including the extent to which the schools are in compliance with policy and a description of the progress being made in attaining the goals of this policy.
(cf. 3542 – Food Service)
(cf. 3542.33 – Food Sales Other Than National School Lunch Program)
(cf. 3542.34 – Nutrition Program)
(cf. 3452.45 – Vending Machines)
(cf. 6142.6 – Physical Education)
(cf. 6142.61 – Physical Activity)
(cf. 6142.62 – Recess/Unstructured Time)
(cf. 6142.10 – Health Education)
Legal Reference: Connecticut General Statutes
10-16b Prescribed courses of study.
10-215 Lunches, breakfasts and the feeding programs for public school children and employees.
10-221 Boards of education to prescribe rules, policies and procedures.
10-215a Non-public school participation in feeding program.
10-215b Duties of state board of education re: feeding programs.
10-216 Payment of expenses.
10-215e Nutrition standards for food that is not part of lunch or breakfast program.
10-215f Certification that food meets nutrition standards.
10-221o Lunch periods. Recess.
10-221p Boards to make available for purchase nutritious, low-fat foods.
10-221q Sale of beverages.
Regulations of Connecticut State Agencies
10-215b-1 Competitive foods.
10-215b-23 Income from the sale of food items.
National School Lunch Program and School Breakfast Program; Competitive Food Services. (7 CFR Parts 210.11 and 220.12,)
The Child Nutrition and WIC Reauthorization Act of 2004, Public Law 108-265
Nutrition Standards in the National School Lunch and School Breakfast Programs, 7 CFR Parts 210 & 220
Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010, P.L. 111-296, 42 U.S.C. 1751
Child Nutrition Act of 1966 (as amended by P.L. 108-269, July 2, 2004)
School Breakfast Program, 7 C.F.R. Part 220 (2006)
National School Lunch Program or School Breakfast Program: Nutrition Standards for All Foods Sold in School (Federal Register, Vol. 78, No. 125, June 28, 2013)
Local School Wellness Policy Requirements, 42 U.S.C. 1758b
The Child Nutrition and WIC Reauthorization Act of 2004, Public Law 108-265
Nutrition Standards in the National School Lunch and School Breakfast Programs, 7 CFR Parts 210 & 220
Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010, P.L. 111-296, 42 U.S.C. 1751
Child Nutrition Act of 1966 (as amended by P.L. 108-269, July 2, 2004)
School Breakfast Program, 7 C.F.R. Part 220 (2006)
National School Lunch Program or School Breakfast Program: Nutrition Standards for All Foods Sold in School (Federal Register, Vol. 78, No. 125, June 28, 2013)
Local School Wellness Policy Requirements, 42 U.S.C. 1758b
Policy adopted: October 5, 2022
NEWTOWN PUBLIC SCHOOLS, Newtown, Connecticut
School Wellness
Nutrition Promotion and Education
The goals for addressing nutrition education include the following:
- Schools will support and promote good nutrition for students consistent with applicable federal and state requirements and guidelines.
- Schools will foster the positive relationship between good nutrition, physical activity, and the capacity of students to develop and learn.
- Nutrition Education Curriculum will be comprehensive and sequential and will be integrated into other classroom content areas, as appropriate, including education on agriculture and the food system. Schools will link nutrition education activities with existing coordinated health programs or other comparable comprehensive school health promotion frameworks
Goals for Physical Activity
The goals for addressing physical activity include the following:
- Schools will support and promote an active lifestyle for students.
Physical education is taught in all grades by state certified and endorsed educators and is in alignment with state physical education standards. Physical and Health educators will be given relevant and specific professional development opportunities each year. The curriculum will be standards based, developmentally planned and sequentially delivered. The curriculum will foster the development of movement skills, enhance health related fitness, increase students’ knowledge, offer direct opportunities to learn how to work cooperatively in a group setting and encourage healthy habits and attitudes for a healthy lifestyle.- All students will be required to engage in the District’s physical education program unless formally exempt.
- All students in grades K-6 will have atleast 20 minutes of recess daily in addition to physical education.
- Staff will not use activity or withhold activity as a punishment or a classroom management tool (i.e. assigning laps or pushups or withholding recess)
- Physical activity breaks in addition to opportunities for students and families to participate in before and after school activities, and walking and bicycling to schools, where safe to do so, are supported by the Board.
- The district will maintain agreements with Newtown Parks and Recreation and with other community organizations to allow use of school facilities and grounds when school is not in session.
- Schools will work toward promoting sixty minutes of physical activity daily for students.
Schools will promote wellness opportunities for staff. In cooperation with local organizations, reduced rates for fitness classes and technology assisted programs will be offered. School fitness equipment will be available to staff before or after school.
Goals for Social-Emotional Wellness
- A comprehensive, school-wide system of social-emotional learning and behavioral supports will be offered K-12.
- Research based programs that support social-emotional development will be implemented and provided K-12
Any foods and beverages marketed or promoted to students on the school campus during the school day, including marketing on school equipment, in educational materials, on vending machines and near food purchasing areas, will meet or exceed the USDA “Smart Snacks in School” nutrition standards. Food and beverage marketing is defined as advertising and other promotions in schools. Food and beverage marketing often includes oral, written, or graphic statements made for the purpose of promoting the sale of a food or beverage product made by the producer, manufacturer, seller or any other entity with a commercial interest in the product. As the District/School Nutrition Services/Athletic Department/PTA reviews existing contracts and considers new contracts, equipment and product purchasing (and replacement) decisions should reflect the applicable marketing guidelines established by the District wellness policy.
Communication of Wellness
The School Wellness Policy shall be made available annually, at a minimum, to students and families by means of school registration, student handbooks and the Board’s website. This availability shall include the policy, including any updates to and about the wellness policy and the Triennial Assessment, including progress toward meeting the goals of this policy. In addition, the annual notification shall include a description of each school’s progress in meeting the wellness policy goals; summary of each school’s wellness events or activities; contact information for the leader(s) of the wellness policy team; and information on how individuals and the public can get involved.
Regulation adopted: October 5, 2022
NEWTOWN PUBLIC SCHOOLS, Newtown, Connecticut
Appendix 1
Suggestions for Creative & Fun Fundraising
- Gift wrapping
- Fun runs
- Walk a thons
- Bike a thons
- Jump rope a thons
- Rent a teenager (rake leaves, water gardens, mow lawns, walk a dog)
- Car wash
- Singing telegrams
- Talent show
- Read a thons
- Spelling bees
- Science fairs
- Carnivals
- Recycling cans/bottles
- Garage sales
- Sell items with school logo
- Bowl-a-thon
- Skate night
- Auction
- Treasure hunt
- Penny wars
Resource Ideas
Appendix 2
Food Free Birthday Celebrations
- Birthday child selects book to donate to the library. Their name and picture goes in front of the book.
- Birthday child shares an item special to them with their classmates (e.g. favorite book, favorite song, favorite stuffed animal, favorite picture or souvenir, etc).
- Birthday child chooses game classmates play at recess.
- Birthday child is the classroom “leader” for the day.
- Classmates design and decorate a Birthday crown to be worn by the Birthday child.
- Classmates prepare a page about the Birthday child; teacher compiles pages and then reads “book” to the class.
- Birthday child wears a special button for the day.
- Birthday child invites a special visitor to the class to read a story to classmates.
- Birthday child brings in photos of their life and explains pictures.
- Birthday child brings in special gifts to share with classmates (e.g. pencils, stickers, notepads, erasers etc.)
- Birthday child’s name is announced over the school PA system or at “All School Meeting.”
- Birthday child’s name is announced at lunch in cafeteria and everyone sings “Happy Birthday To You.”
- Birthday child and friend eat lunch with teacher in cafeteria.
- Additional recess time.
Appendix 3
Ideas for Alternatives to Using Food as a Reward
Elementary Schools
- Make deliveries to office
- Teach class
- Sit by friends
- Eat lunch with Teacher or Principal
- Eat lunch outdoors with class
- Be a helper in another classroom
- Play a favorite game or do puzzles
- Stickers, pencils, or bookmarks
- Certificates
- Fun Video
- Extra recess
- Walk with Teacher or Principal
- Fun physical activity break
- School supplies
- Trip to treasure box filled with nonfood items (stickers, pencils, erasers, bookmarks, or desktop tents)
- Dance to favorite music in class
- Paperback book
- Show and Tell
- Bank system – Earn play money for privileges
- Teacher or volunteer reads special book to class
- Teacher performs special skill (signing, cartwheel, guitar, playing etc.)
- Read outdoors or enjoy class outdoors
- Extra Art time
- Have “Free Choice” time at the end of the day or end of class period
- Listen to headset to a book on tape
- Items that can only be used on special occasions (special art supplies, computer games, toys)
Middle School Students
- Sit with friends
- Listen to music while working at desk
- Five-minute chat break at end of class
- Fun video
- Fun brainteaser activities
- Computer time
- Assemblies
- Eat lunch outside or have class outside
High School Students
- Fun video
- Late homework pass
- Donated coupons to video stores, music stores, or movies
- Drawings for donated prizes among students who meet certain grade standards