2154 - Supervision of Administrative Personnel

Policy 2154


Supervision of Administrative Personnel

The Board of Education, recognizing that the supervisory process is essential to the proper operation and improvement of the total school program, directs that an effective system of supervision be an ongoing process intimately concerned with the provision of improving instruction and services.

Personnel supervision shall be concerned with the adequacy, growth, and effective employment and deployment of each professional, paraprofessional, and nonprofessional staff member, such to provide for and enhance student learning and opportunity.

Supervision in its entirety, therefore, shall be regarded as a process of the highest priority and character, essential to the concept of continuous improvement.

Policy adopted: July 30, 2015    
NEWTOWN PUBLIC SCHOOLS, Newtown, Connecticut
Inspiring Each Student to Excel

3 Primrose St., Newtown, CT 06470
Phone: 203-426-7600