8-408 - Independent Study

Policy 8-408
To meet the needs of a few extremely capable and highly motivated students, the board of education hereby establishes the following policy with respect to the independent study program.
A junior or senior student may make arrangements with a department chair for an independent study program for one credit only in each department. Once a credit has been earned in an area of study, no further independent study will be permitted in that area of study. An outline of the proposed project must be on file in the guidance office within the first two weeks of each semester.
Credit for Independent Study
When the enrollment in an advance course is too small to justify the expense of scheduling a regular course or when scheduling problems make it impossible for a student to meet with a regular class, credit may be granted to students who take such course(s) as an approved independent study course.
The independent study program is limited to seniors with an 85 average in the particular sequence and to exceptional juniors and sophomores.
To enter the program, a student must carry a minimum of four full academic credits in addition to the independent study credit.
Admission to the program must be approved by the teacher, department chair, guidance counselor, principal, and parent.
Structure and Procedure
The independent study program is limited to the study of traditional courses, e.G., Advanced French, modern history, in a more independent manner. The student is not free to work on an independent topic and conclude with an oral and/or written report. Each independent study must be structured so as to preserve the integrity of our academic standards and courses. The following are minimum requirements for approval:
a. The teacher must meet with the individual or group at least once a week to review work and give additional assignments.
b. The student must do more than write a paper. Articles and books must be read, problems solved, and examinations taken and passed.
b. The student must do more than write a paper. Articles and books must be read, problems solved, and examinations taken and passed.
The principal is responsible for the overall implementation and operation of the program so that it meets the needs of the students for whom it is intended without compromising the quality of our academic programs.
Adopted 3/12/96