9150 - Board Consultants

Policy 9150
Bylaws of the Board
Board Consultants
The Newtown Board of Education will from time to time engage the services of qualified professional consultants to provide new insights and ideas for dealing with especially difficult problems and/or to provide special services which present staff is unable to provide. The kinds of assistance sought from consultants may include, but will not necessarily be limited to the following:
- Conducting fact finding studies, surveys, and research;
- Providing counsel or services requiring special expertise;
- Assisting the Board in developing policy and program recommendations.
Before engaging a consultant, the Board may require submission of a written proposal which can be incorporated into a contract or purchase order if it satisfies the wishes of the Board. Proposals will detail:
- The specific objectives to be accomplished by the consultant;
- The specific tasks to be performed;
- The procedures to be used in carrying out the tasks;
- The target dates for completion of tasks;
- The method to be used to report results to the Board and/or to deliver any "product" (e.g., long range plans, codified policy manual, etc.) to the Board; and
- Costs.
Adopted: 4/10/12