4000 - Concepts and Roles in Personnel

Policy 4000
Personnel -- Certified/Non-Certified
Concepts and Roles in Personnel
All parts of the school system exist for one purpose; to facilitate the educational development of the students. A dynamic and efficient staff dedicated to education is necessary to constantly improve the education program for the students. To this end, the development of the personnel policies for certified and non-certified staff is an essential component of the educational program in this school district. The philosophy of the district and the community generally will be reflected in these policies.
Through the personnel policies the Board of Education will establish a school environment that will attract and maintain the best-qualified people whose mission will be to provide the best possible learning opportunities for the students.
The long-range goals on which these policies will be based are:
1. To recruit, select, and employ the best qualified personnel to staff the district's schools.
2. To provide staff compensation and benefit programs sufficient to attract and retain qualified employees.
3. To provide an in-service training program for all employees to improve their performance.
4. To conduct an employee evaluation program that will contribute to the continuous improvement of staff performance.
5. To assign personnel to ensure that they are used as effectively as possible.
6. To develop the quality of human relationships necessary to obtain maximum staff performance and satisfaction.
Implementation of the adopted personnel policies should include channels of communication and procedures for handling professional and ethical problems through which all persons or groups affected may express their suggestions, concerns, and opinions.
Legal Reference: Connecticut General Statutes
10-220 Duties of boards of education
Policy adopted: March 1, 2022
Newtown Public Schools