3515.2 - Community Use of School Facilities - Parking

Policy 3515.2
Business/Non-Instructional Operations
Community Use of School Facilities
Vehicles Parked on School Property by Students and Employees
While participating in and/or attending school activities, students, employees and visitors of the Board of Education may park vehicles in areas designated by the School Administration.
The Board of Education reserves the right to restrict parking on school property at any time, to withdraw the right of any person to use school property for parking, and to issue regulations governing the movement of parked vehicles whether or not school is in session.
Parking at restricted times or in restricted places is subject to action by the Board of Education and/or administration.
Students parking on campus while school is in session must purchase a parking permit. Parking permits are issued only to students who have a valid Connecticut driver’s license and regular use of a motor vehicle.
The Board of Education assumes no responsibility for damage to or theft of a vehicle or any item stored in or on a vehicle parked on school property.
No item, the possession of which is illegal or in violation of school regulations or which endangers the health, safety or welfare of persons shall be stored in or on a vehicle parked on school property.
If the School Administration believes that a vehicle while on school property is being used in a manner or for a purpose which may be injurious or illegal, it shall refer the matter to the police.
(cf. 1411 - Relations with Law Enforcement Agency)
Policy adopted: March 15, 2016 NEWTOWN PUBLIC SCHOOLS
Policy revised: October 2, 2018 Newtown, Connecticut
Business/Non-Instructional Operations
Student Parking
The student use of automobiles on school grounds whether to drive or to park is a privilege and governed by Board of Education policy.
A permit must be issued which is valid for the academic year only to the car assigned in order for that car to be driven or parked on school grounds.
Students must meet and maintain the following responsibilities:
A. Must be a senior to be eligible to park.
B. Juniors will be given parking permits based on order submitted and/or lottery.
C. A valid driver’s license, vehicle registration, and insurance as required under CT law.
D. Maintaining an attendance record without invalid absences or tardiness to school.
E. Maintaining slow and safe control of the vehicle on the grounds of the school and surrounding school area.
B. Juniors will be given parking permits based on order submitted and/or lottery.
C. A valid driver’s license, vehicle registration, and insurance as required under CT law.
D. Maintaining an attendance record without invalid absences or tardiness to school.
E. Maintaining slow and safe control of the vehicle on the grounds of the school and surrounding school area.
Student parking permits for Newtown High School are available for Seniors only. However, nothing prevents administration from conducting a Junior parking lottery if extra student parking spaces become available. The cost of a school year permit is $100. The fee will be reduced by $10 for every month you do not have parking. For example, if you receive a parking space in February, you will only have to pay $50 for the remaining 5 months of school. The permit fee is payable by check only and must be made out to “Newtown High School”. Cash or credit cards will not be accepted.
Students selected to receive a campus parking permit in the lottery will receive a voucher. In order to purchase a permit, students must present their voucher, driver’s license, registration for each vehicle they plan to park in their assigned space, and a check to the Security Office. Security Personnel or Administration will affix the parking permit to the interior windshield of the student’s vehicle. Under no circumstances shall a student transfer or convey use of his/her parking permit or designated parking space to another student or individual for use during school hours. Student campus parking is a privilege and space is limited. Therefore, students must keep the following in mind, as they will be held responsible to abide by all campus parking regulations.
- Students park on campus at their own risk. Newtown High School and the Newtown Public Schools are not responsible for any damage or vandalism occurring to student vehicles parked on campus.
- Students shall park only in their designated/numbered parking space. Should a student arrive on campus and find an unauthorized vehicle parked in their parking space, the permitted student shall temporarily park his/her vehicle in a visitor’s space in the cafeteria lot and immediately summon security personnel.
Student Parking
- Under no circumstances may students park in a faculty parking space, visitor parking space, in another student parking space, fire lane, grass area or sidewalk. Violators will be subject to a monetary fine and/or towing at their own expense. Students with repeated parking offenses will also be subjected to additional disciplinary consequences.
- Trailers, campers, or other towed items are not permitted on the Newtown High School campus.
- Any vehicle not displaying a valid campus parking permit is subject to tow at the owner’s expense.
- Any additional sale of permits will be conducted via lottery.
Regulation adopted: March 15, 2016 NEWTOWN PUBLIC SCHOOLS
Regulation revised: October 2, 2018 Newtown, Connecticut