9270 - Conflict of Interest

Policy 9270
Bylaws of the Board
Conflict of Interest
The Board desires its members not only to adhere to all laws regarding conflict of interest, but to be continually aware of situations which have the appearance of conflict of interest and to avoid actions that might embarrass themselves or the Board.
Two areas of Board operations must be guarded with particular care in order that there be no real or seeming conflict of interest. These are purchasing and hiring of new personnel. Therefore:
- No member of the Board shall have any direct pecuniary interest in a contract with the school district, nor shall he/she furnish directly any labor, equipment, or supplies to the district. It is not the intent of this bylaw to prevent the district from contracting with corporations or businesses because a Board member is an employee of the firm. However, in such instances the member may be expected to declare his/her association with the firm and will refrain from debating or voting on the question.
- If a member of the immediate family of a Board member--specifically parent/guardian, spouse, domestic partner of a civil union, child or grandchild -- is being considered for employment, that member shall disqualify him/herself from participation in discussion or vote.
- The Board shall not give preferential treatment to companies in which town officials or paid town employees, have a major financial interest or to companies by which they are employed.
- No Board member shall use his or her position to influence an employment or contractual decision other than those routinely made by the Board itself.
Legal Reference: Connecticut General Statutes
7 479 Conflicts of Interest.
10 156e Employees of boards of education permitted to serve as elected officials; exception.
10 232 Restrictions on employment of members of the board of education.
P.A. 05-10 An Act Concerning Civil Unions
10 156e Employees of boards of education permitted to serve as elected officials; exception.
10 232 Restrictions on employment of members of the board of education.
P.A. 05-10 An Act Concerning Civil Unions
Adopted: 6/5/12