9325.3 - Rules of Debate

Policy 9325.3
Bylaws of the Board
Parliamentary Procedures
Rules of Debate
The Chairperson may move, second, and debate from the chair and shall not be deprived of any right to vote or of any other rights, powers, or duties of a member by virtue of being Chairperson.
A member shall be entitled to the floor only on recognition by the presiding officer. Once a member has been recognized he/she shall not be interrupted for any reason other than a call to order; in such case, the presiding officer shall rule promptly on the point of order, and the speaker shall be allowed to proceed if he/she is in order. The presiding officer may impose reasonable limits on debate or other remarks, including limiting the number of speakers and their allowed time on either side of art issue.
The member who has made a motion shall have the privilege of being the last speaker on the motion.
A motion to reconsider may be made by a member on the prevailing side. Such a motion may be made only at the same meeting or at a reconvened meeting.
The current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order shall govern the proceedings of the Board of Education except when in conflict with Board policy.
Legal Reference: Connecticut General Statutes
1-200 Definitions
1 206 Denial of access to public records or meetings.
1 210 Access to public records
1 226 Recording, broadcasting or photographing meetings
19a-342 Smoking prohibited in certain places. Signs required. Penalty
1 231 Executive sessions
1 232 Conduct of meetings (re disturbances)
10 224 Duties of the Secretary
1 206 Denial of access to public records or meetings.
1 210 Access to public records
1 226 Recording, broadcasting or photographing meetings
19a-342 Smoking prohibited in certain places. Signs required. Penalty
1 231 Executive sessions
1 232 Conduct of meetings (re disturbances)
10 224 Duties of the Secretary
Adopted: 6/5/12