9160 - Board of Education Student Representatives

Policy 9160
Bylaws of the Board
Board of Education Student Representatives
The opinions and concerns of students in the Newtown Public Schools are important to the Board. Including student representatives, as part of the Board organization, will allow students to participate in an integral part of making decisions for the school district. These qualified students will be empowered with direct representation and will be provided an opportunity to experience actual, legal policymaking first-hand. Their knowledge of the local government will also be greatly enhanced. A non-voting position on the Board will allow students to learn the process that goes into improving education, thus encouraging further interaction between the community and the Board.
The Board shall have two student representatives. One representative will serve as the primary student representative while the other will serve as an alternate should the primary be unable to attend. These students will serve in a non-voting capacity, representing the interests of the students of Newtown Public Schools.
The student representatives will be chosen by the Newtown High School Principal. The student will be expected to participate in Board meetings; however, they will not have the privilege to vote or make motions. Additionally, student representatives will not attend executive sessions nor will they have access to executive session materials.
- The primary student representative will be chosen from the senior class at Newtown High School by the Principal or his designee.
- The alternate student representative will be chosen from the junior class at Newtown High School by the principal or his designee.
- After the student representatives are chosen, they will be given an orientation session by the Superintendent and an officer of the Board.
- Student representatives shall be a resident of the Town of Newtown.
- Student representatives shall be available for attendance at Board of Education meetings at the start of the school year.
- The term of office for the student representatives shall be one school year.
- Student representatives should be able to attend all regular meetings of the Board.
- Student representatives shall not be allowed to attend or receive information about executive sessions, non-meetings, negotiation sessions or personnel portions of regular meetings of the Board.
- The Board has the right to dismiss a student and call for the selection of a new representative through an affirmative vote of 2/3 of the Board.
Legal Reference: Connecticut General Statutes
9-203 Number and term of members of boards of education.
Adopted: 4/10/12