8-701 - Drug and Alcohol Education

Policy 8-701
As an integral part of the health curriculum, a continuous program of education regarding the harmful effects of drug and alcohol use, abuse, and
experimentation will be conducted, in appropriate form at the appropriate levels, kindergarten through grade 12.
All teachers shall be informed and trained in relevant aspects of drug and alcohol education through in-service programs, seminars, and workshops.
It shall be the duty of the administration to obtain and maintain current information regarding all aspects of health and health-related areas.
In addition, procedures will be designed and implemented to guard against potential harm of students and employees through unauthorized use,
possession, and distribution of alcohol, drugs, or other substances. To this end, effective working relations will be established among teachers, administrators, and health and legal agencies.
Students or staff members obviously under the influence of alcohol or drugs, or observed in the process of selling or distributing the same, shall be immediately reported to the school administration. If the circumstances involve illegal drugs, the administration shall immediately inform the local police, the Superintendent of Schools, and parents, if appropriate.
Adopted 7/23/74
Modified 10/10/95