3312.1 - Standardization of Supplies and Equipment
Policy 3312.1
Business/Non-Instructional Operations
Standardization of Supplies and Equipment
To help achieve both quality control and price advantages, the administration is encouraged to:
1. Establish specifications for goods and services as needed.
2. Cite at least one commercially available “standard” that meets the specifications.
3. Invite vendors to bid on the standard, or an alternative one, that a vendor believes is comparable to the specifications.
4. Use the “bid” or “quotation of bid” process where it believes such methods will acquire price advantages to the district.
5. Combine, wherever feasible, single items from one or several schools in the
system into one appropriate schedule.
Nothing in this policy will prevent the administration from deviating from it when, in the Superintendent’s judgment, this is justified by considerations of time, health and safety, and price advantage.
Policy adopted: April 4, 2017
NEWTOWN PUBLIC SCHOOLS, Newtown, Connecticut