3300 - Expenditures/Expending Authority

Policy 3300
Business/Non-Instructional Operations
Expenditures/Expending Authority
The Superintendent of Schools shall develop regulations establishing the purchasing program for the school system, including such activities as ordering, verifying receipt of orders, distribution of materials received, and payment of bills.
The Director of Business or the Superintendent is authorized to issue purchase orders where quotes or formal bids are not required and subject to the restrictions in Policies 3160 and 3170.
The purchase system shall be followed as established with exception to be made only upon the approval of the Board of Education.
Purchases or contracts made outside of the approved purchasing system shall not be the responsibility of the Board of Education.
Fiscal Management Standards
In recognition of the trust and responsibility placed with the Board of Education (Board) to manage financial resources for the local educational program, the Board establishes the following goals:
- The Board and all employees of the school system will manage and use available funds efficiently and effectively to meet the goals of the Board and State.
- Accounting, financial reporting and management control systems will be designed and maintained to enable the Board and school system to have access to accurate, reliable and relevant data, and to permit audits and periodic reports adequate to show that those in charge have handled funds within legal requirements and in accordance with Board policy.
- The Superintendent and Director of Business shall keep the Board sufficiently informed regarding the budget through periodic reports and any other appropriate means so that the Board can deliberate upon and evaluate the budget.
- No moneys will be expended, regardless of the source (including moneys derived from federal, state, local or private sources), except in accordance with the Board’s adopted budget or as amended by Board action.
- Principals and school improvement teams must be familiar with state and Board requirements related to managing and using fiscal resources and must comply with these requirements in developing and implementing school improvement plans.
(cf. 3160 – Transfers of Funds Between Categories)
(cf. 3170 – Budget Administration)
Policy adopted: April 4, 2017
NEWTOWN PUBLIC SCHOOLS, Newtown, Connecticut