9125 - Attorney

Policy 9125
Bylaws of the Board
The attorney of the Newtown Board of Education shall be the legal advisor of the Board and its officers in questions related to their official duties. The Board of Education may appoint, either on a full-time or retainer basis, an attorney or attorneys to serve as school attorney. The primary function of the attorney is to provide professional legal counsel and representation for the Board and Superintendent.
To ensure the prudent and cost-effective use of legal services, the District will limit and designate the persons with the authority to request services or advice from contracted legal counsel. The persons authorized to confer with and/or seek the legal advice of the Board attorney include the Superintendent or his/her designee, Business Manager, Special Education Director, and Chairperson of the Board. The Board may authorize a specific member to confer with legal counsel on its behalf. Legal counsel will not be used unnecessarily to make management decisions or to obtain readily available information such as district policies.
Legal services required by the District may include, but not be limited to:
- Providing general legal advice to the Board and/or administration;
- Assisting with labor negotiations;
- Assisting with personnel matters;
- Assisting with expulsions and other disciplinary matters;
- Conduct and/or assist with pending or actual litigation involving the District;
- Other specialized legal services; and
- Attendance at Board meetings or other activities as appropriate.
The Board retains the right to terminate the service of any attorney.
Bylaw adopted by the Board: 11/6/2019